Obituary: Obituary - Agreeable to public notice, the citizens of sub-school district No. 13, in Liberty township, Henry county, met at the school house of said district on the 16th inst., at 6 o'clock P.M., to take into consideration the decease of miss MARTHA TABOR. The meeting was generally attended, and called to order on motion. Mr. JOHN SANNICK was chosen to preside as Chairman, and J. M. BURLIN, Secretary. After appropriate remarks by J. D. Morris and others, the following was submitted by Mr. Morris, and unanimously adopted. Whereas, God has, in the providence and great wisdom, seen fit to afflict us, in taking from this community our very worthy and esteemed teacher, therefore, Resolved. That from our brief acquaintance with her as a scholar and a teacher, we recognize in her all of those attainments requisite to attach our hearts to her memory. Resolved. That, judging from the sad countenances of her pupils, they have suffered an irreparable loss, many of whom have tendered their sympathy with ours, to the friends and relatives of the deceased. Resolved. That a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be forwarded to the friends of the deceased, and also be published in The North-West, and Delta Free Press. /signed/ JOHN SARRICK, Chm., J. M. BURLIN, Sec'y |