Obituary: DIED - ROBERTSON - Suddenly on Tuesday, the 23rd day of December, A. D. 1873, at the residence of Geo. Flenner in Napoleon, Ohio, in his 35th year of age, James L. Robertson, of the firm of Haag, Robertson & Parker. During a journalistic experiment of twenty years it has frequently been our painful duty to record the death of a personal friend or of a prominent citizen, but the saddest task of the kind is ours in announcing the death of Mr. Robertson, and we deeply feel the truth of the great poet's remark -- "The good die first, While those whose hearts are dry as summer dust, Burn to their sockets!" Mr. Robertson, if we mistake not, was born in New Lisbon, Columbiana county, Ohio. Of his immediate family we know little -- his father was of Scotch Presbyterian extraction, his mother, who is still living, is a sister to the late lamented C. L. VALLANDIGHAM. Mr. R. graduated at Washington College, Pennsylvania. He then went to Dayton and commenced the study of law in the office of his uncle, C. L. VALLANDIGHAM, which he completed with HOUCK & McMAHON -- having his home at VALLANDIGHAM's during the troubles of 1863. In the fall of 1865 he came to Napoleon and commenced the practice of law as a partner of Judge HALT. He was elected Prosecuting Attorney in the fall of 1867, in which office he continued until his death, being elected to the fourth term at the last election. He was Mayor of the village of Napoleon during the years of 1869 and 1870, and for several years served in the Council. He was also School Examiner for a number of years. As an officer, in every position, he was always faithful and fearless -- ever discharging his duty without fear and without favor. As friend he was ever true -- and in his breast not a grain of quicksilver clay ever found a rest. Enemies he had none except that iron hand of destiny which fatalism teaches us, lashes men to destruction. A fine scholar, a good lawyer, a true friend and a noble man is no more, and, after all, is it not best when "That fever called living is conquered last." |