Henry County Early Obituaries

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Newspaper: Democratic Northwest
Date: 1882-08-10
Age: 61
Page: 8 Col: 3
Miliary Service:

The subject of the following sketch, which is taken from the Ottawa Gazette, is the father-in-law of Prosecuting Attorney Knupp of this place: "Mr. Day Pugh died at his residence In Ottawa, on Wednesday, August 2, 1882, In the 61st year of his life. Mr. Pugh was born In Fayette county, Ohio, July 15, 1822. In 1837 his father removed his family to Hardin county, where Mr. Pugh resided until 1862 when be moved to Ottawa, In 1842 be was married to Elizabeth Davis who now survives him. They had nine children, of whom eight are still living. The other one, Ralph, predeceased his father but a few weeks. In 1851 Mr. Pugh was elected Sheriff of Hardin county, and was continued In office for two terms, when he first moved to Ottawa he kept a hotel for about five years. In June 1863 he was by the District Court of Putnam County admitted to the Bar, and was one or the oldest practicing Attorneys in the county. He has been a Mason for about thirty years. He was elected Mayor of Ottawa on the Republican ticket and held that position for two terms. In 1875 be joined the Presbyterian church under the ministrations of Rev. T. P. Johnson, but bas been a consistent Christian for many years. During his last term as Sheriff of Hardin county he bad a severe attack of illness, the result which clung to him tor thirty years. Since last September he has been confined to the house, but his faculties have been unclouded, and until three or four days before his death ne looked closely after his business. He was a Democrat until the Missouri Compromise was repealed but has been a Republican since the organization of the Republican party. He left a wife and eight children to mourn his departure. Mr. Pugh bas been an honest, upright man, fair in his business dealings, having the entire confidence of all who knew him. A kind and affectionate husband, a loving father, as well as a firm and steadfast friend, his demise is sadly regretted by all. The funeral exercises took place from the Presbyterian church, under the auspices of the Masonic order.

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