Pugh, Ralph C. | ||
Newspaper: Democratic Northwest | ||
Date: 1882-06-15 | ||
Age: | ||
Page: 8 Col: 6 | ||
Miliary Service: | ||
Obituary: Death of Ralph C. Pugh From Ottawa Sentinel It is with deep regret that we are called upon to chronicle the death of one of Ottawa's most promising young men. Mr. Ralph C. Pugh died at the of residents of his parents on last Friday morning. The deceased was a young man of exemplary character, fine ability and unassuming manners and was deemed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was born at Kenton, in this State, November 8th, 1858, and came to Ottawa with his parents in the year 1862. He was a graduate of our High School, from which he graduated in the year 1873 at the age of fourteen years, obtaining the second honor in a largo class of graduates. Alter graduation he attended the University at Wooster for two years, and then commenced the study of the law, and was admitted to the Bar by the Supreme Court of State in the year 1880, and entered into the practice with his father shortly after his admission. Although constantly in had health, his indomitable courage prompted him to pursue his studies and to attend to business, and he kept this up until a few weeks prior to his death. About three weeks ago he took a trip to Wisconsin in the hope of improving his health, but finding he could obtain no relief he returned home only a few days prior to his death. The kindly ways and affable manners of the deceased made him many friends who sincerely regret his death, and deeply sympathize with his parents, brothers and sisters. It is especially sad when one young and with so bright a future before him, is called away to that '"bourne from whence no traveler returns," yet it is a satisfaction to know that his life was such as to give promise of a peaceful and happy hereafter in the world to come. The funeral of the deceased was held at the Presbyterian Church on last Sunday, and was attended by a very large number of people, together with the members of the bar and the members of the Alumni Association -- the deceased being a member of both organizations. Rev. W. A. Echols delivered the sermon on the occasion, and the remains of the deceased were interred in the Ottawa cemetery. Following are the Bar proceedings: At a meeting of the members of the Bar of Putnam county, held pursuant to call, at the Court House In Ottawa, Ohio, on Saturday, June 3d, 1882, Hon. D. Brown, President of the Putnam County Bar Association, in the chair. W. W. Sutton was on motion appointed Secretary. By request of the President, Brother J. M. Sheets stated the object of the meeting was to take suitable action in reference to the death of Brother Ralph Pugh, and to arrange for the action of the Bar in connection with the funeral of our deceased Brother. Upon motion, a committee of three, consisting of Brothers J. L'H. Long, J. M. Sheets and Geo. H. Knupp, was appointed by the chair to report resolutions. The Committee presented the following report, which was upon motion received and adopted: WHEREAS, Almighty God In his wisdom ha removed from among us by death our Brother, Ralph Pugh, and WHEREAS, We the members of the Bar of Putnam county are desirous of suitably expressing our sorrow at his loss, and our sympathy with the bereaved family; therefore, Resolved, That in the death of our Brother the Bar of Putnam county has lost one who, although he was taken away young, while just upon the threshold of his work in the profession, had yet by his earnest, faithful labors, his thorough execution of the work entrusted to his care, his purity of character, his unswerving honesty and marked ability given promise of a progress in the future, which would have entitled him to the highest rewords which this honorable profession can offer. Resolved, That we join in offering to his bereaved friends our heartfelt sympathy for the loss of the dear one whom we as well as they have loved. Resolved, That the members of the Bar will attend the funeral of our deceased Brother in a body. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Court, a copy duly certified by the Clerk be presented to the family of our Brother, and a copy be furnished to the papers of the county for publication. J. L'H. LONG, J. M. SHEETS, GEO. H. KNUPP , Committee Pending the motion, remarks were made by Messrs. J, L'H. Long, J. M. Sheets, A. Z. Thomas, J. T. Lentzy, D. C. Long, H. E. McClure, L. E. Holtz, H. F. Knowles, Geo. H. Knupp, W. W. Sutton, and D. I. Brown, indicating the high estimation in which ourdeceased Brother was held by his brethren of the Bar, for the purity of his character, his patient industry, his genial social qualities, his unswerving integrity, his undaunted courage, and marked ability; and the deep sense of loss which the Bar of Putnam county had sustained in his death. Upon the statement by the Chair that the friends desired the Bar to connduct the funeral services, on motion of Brother J. T. Lentzy, the Chair appointed Brothers J. T. Lentzy, D. C. Long. W. W. Sutton, Geo. B. Knupp, W. H. Kinder, H. E. McClure, J. M.Sheets and C. N. Haskell to act as pall bearers. Upon motion the students at law and officers of the Court were invited to join with the Bar in Paying this last tribute of respect to Brother Pugh. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. D. I. Brown, President |
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