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Moore, Edwin B., Major
Newspaper: Democratic Northwest
Date: 1886-03-04
Age: 56
Page: 8 Col: 4
Miliary Service:

As our readers have been informed, Mr. Geo. Lifer and family left for Arkansas a few weeks ago, where he was going to work for a a brother-in-law Major Edwin B. Moore, who had large landed interest in that locality. But before he arrived at his destination his relative was accidentally shot and killed. The following particulars are taken from the New Departure, of Carlisle, of Feb. 20th:

On last Saturday evening our usually quiet community was thrown into a state of great excitement by a report that Maj. Moore was accidentally shot in the leg and would die. The particulars of this dreadful and lamen table accident are as follows. Maj. Moore and wife had gone out on the prairie wherehe was having some fencing done, and on their return having a Marlin rifle in the buggy some two miles from Carlisle, the left buggy wheel struck a small stump, throwing the gun out on the axle of the buggy which caused it to go off, the ball entering the left leg on the inside just above the knee joint and was afterwards cot out at the hip joint. At the report of the gun he exclaimed, "My God. wife, I am a dead man." Mrs. Moore, took the reins and drove the team to town, while he supported his leg as best he could with both hands while coming along. On examining the wound after arriving here, it was found that the thigh bone was literally shivered to pieces, and a surgeon at Little Rock, Dr. Dibrel, was telegraphed for and came down on a special train, arriving about nine o'clock, when he extracted the ball, being assisted by Drs. Alexander and Reiff, of the this place.

Maj. Moore was entirely rational, although his suffering was intense, up to Monday morning, when he commenced to sink rapidly and died at 16 minutes after 11 o'clock.

A messenger was immediately sent to Little Rock to get a casket and make arrangements to have his body embalmed. Mr. James Cook, undertaker, and Mr. Taylor, came down on the evemng tram for that purpose, but it was found impossible owning to mortification having set in to such an extent as to preclude such a process, by the use of chemicals, the further progress of that state was stopped.

The casket came from Memphis Tuesday, there being none in Little Rock large enough, and his remains were expressed to Seville, Ohio, on Wednesday, where they will be interred in the family burying ground on next Wednesday.

Mr. Moore was born in Seville, Ohio, and was 56 years at the time of his death. He left that State twenty-one years ago and located in Stanton, Michigan, at which place he was made a Mason, to which order be was an honored member at the time of his death.

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