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Mann, Oscar S.
Newspaper: Democratic-Northwest
Date: 1893-07-20
Age: 37
Page: 1 Col: 3
Miliary Service:

Death of Oscar S. Mann

Oscar S. Mann, a bricklayer, whose home was in Albion, died suddenly at the Plymouth Institate, Warsaw, Ind.,at an early hour last Wednesday morning.

The facts as developed at the coroner's in- quest are as follows:

Deceased was brought to the institute last Tuesday evening by his brother-in-law, Mr. Elmer Prickett, of Albion. Promptly upon his arrival the physician in charge gave him a mild sedative to induce sleep, and supplied him with a dose of tonic. At about 9 o'clook he retired to his room and was frequently seen during the night by the atiendant, At 4 'clook Wednesday morning he rose refreshed, dressed himself and came down stairs and walked to the flowing well where he drank a cup of water. He took no medicine of any kind and returned to his room after arranging with Mr.

Frank Shaw, the night attundant, accompanied him to his room and removed the patient's shoes, leaving him lying upon his back, ready for a morning nap. That was the last time he was seen alive.

At 6 o'clock Charles Northam, the day attendant, went to the sleeping roome to call the patients for breakfast. Mann had turned upon his face, his nose being buried in the bed clothing. He failed to respond to the attendant's call and the latter gently rolled him over. To his great horror the man was dead. The sheet was marked with sputa from the mouth, and there was no sign of a struggle. Sleep had lengthened into death.

The coroner was sent for and conducted a searching examination in the court house and rendered a finding that death was due to asphyxia or suffocation. He had a strange presentiment that he would soon die from excessive dissipation and it is thought that imperfect heart action had much to do with his sudden taking off. Mr. Prickett returned to his home with the remains on Wednesday evening and Mr. W. P. Cooper, Secretary of the Plymouth Institute Company, accompanied him.

Oscar S. Mann was born in Napoleon May 9th, 1856, died July 19, 1893, aged 37 years, 2 months and 10 days.

He leaves a wife, mother and father to mourn his departure.

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