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Lowry, Augusta
Newspaper: Democratic-Northwest
Date: 1893-06-08
Age: 35
Page: 1 Col: 5
Miliary Service:

Mrs. Augusta Lowry, nee Gunn, was born in Napoleon township, Henry county, Ohio, May 11, 1858, where she continued to reside until her marriage. She was married to J, H. Lowry, January 1, 1882,and settled in Flatrock township, one mile southeast of Florida, where she resided uatil her death, May 30th, 1893.

She was the mother of four children who are now left without a mother's care -- almost too young to realize their inestimable loss. About two years ago she was attacked by that dread disease, consumption, and despite all thet love and skill could do, went on to its fatal culmination. Six years ago during a series of meetings held by Rev. M. C. Howey at the Florida M. E. Church she was converted and with her husband joined the church and remained as faithful member, dying in the triumph of faith. She was a kind and loving wife and mother, an earnest christian, and her early death is lamented by all who know her, She leaves a husband, four children, five brothers and two sisters to mourn their loss. Her funeral ws preached in the Florida M. E.Churoh by Rey. M. C. Howey, assisted by her pastor.


We wish to return our thanks to the friends who so kindly assisted during the sickness and death of our wife and mother.

J. H. Lowry and Family

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