Obituary: The Democratic Northwest, March 27, 1879: An Old Pioneer Gone Ed. Northwest: At six o'clock on Saturday evening one of the oldest settlers in this section of the country -- Mr. Darius Jones -- departed this life at the advanced age of eighty-one. Mr. Jones was born in the State of Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia, June 1st, 1798, but removed in early life to Pickaway county, Ohio, where he was married to Miss Nancy Scott. In the spring of 1837 he removed to Adams twp., Defiance county, Ohio, forth-two years ago when the greater part of the Maumee Valley was a howling wilderness. Jan. 26th, 1864, his wife died, and in September, 1867, he was again married to Mrs. Elizabeth Metz, widow of John Metz, of Defiance county. Finally, as the infirmities of old age crept upon him, he disposed of his movable property, and, renting his farm, removed to Ridgeville Corners, where he has since lived. Father Jones was a man of unblemished character, having been a consistent member of the M. E. Church for more than 40 years, and none of the pioneer settlers will be missed more than he. He has been blessed with five sons and three daughters, five of whom are still living. The funeral services were held at this place to-day. Truly, "The children of men arise and pass From off this earth like blades of grass." Scribo Publico Ridgeville Corners, March 24th, 1889 [mistake, should be 1879] |