Howe, William | ||
Newspaper: Democratic Northwest | ||
Date: 1884-05-01 | ||
Age: 45 | ||
Page: 8 Col: 4 | ||
Miliary Service: | ||
Obituary: Terrible Accident at Liberty. On last Friday morning, between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock, the boiler in the Lamb saw mill at Liberty Center exploded with terrible effect, instantly killing Wallace Hackett and William Howe, two estimable citizens of that place, who were working in the mill at the time, Hackett as engineer and Howe as head sawyer. The cause of the explosion no doubt was insufficient water in the boiler, and it is supposed the water pump must have failed to do its duty and was not noticed until too late to prevent the explosion. But this is mere supposition, for no one knows the true condition of the boiler before the accident, as both men having charge were instantly killed, their bodies being mangled in a most horrible manner. Both of the victims were aged about forty-five years, and both leave families, Mr. Howe a wife and one child, and Mr. Hackett a wife and three children. Mrs. Hackett's first husband was killed in a railroad accident some years ago, being carried home dead as the second was on Friday last. A correspondent says the boiler was torn to atoms and scattered broadcast, and the brick arch lies scattered over town like hail. Several dwelling houses some distance from the mill were more or less injured by flying brick, but luckily no one was hit about town. Window glass forty rods away were broken. The boiler part of the building is a total wreck and lies a confused mass of debris. The loss outside of the lives of the unfortunate men, will be about $2,000. Mr. Hackett was buried on Saturday and Mr. Howe on Sunday. |
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