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Hess, Henry
Newspaper: Democratic Northwest
Date: 1891-11-26
Age: 26
Page: 1 Col: 3
Miliary Service:

Pg. 1 Col. 3

It was written on the horoscope of Henry Hess that he suffered a most frightful death while still young and with aspirations and joys still things only of the future. For some time he, with Henry Diemer, has been in the employ of the Hornung Bros. as wood choppers. Wednesday, the 18th, they were at work in a patch of woods few miles south of Holgate. A large hickory was crushing to the ground and in it's course the branches must necessarily come in contact with smaller trees. A large limb struck against a neighboring tree and breaking off, sprung back with fearful force striking Henry Hess square in the face. He was crushed to the earth a bleeding, mutilated corpse. His head was nearly torn from his shoulders while the face was mashed to an unrecognizable mass. The terrorized companion quickly summoned aid but to no avail; the unlucky woodsman had died instantly, not even knowing that he was injured nor recognizing the cause of his death. He had fallen as he had so often, with sturdy limb and sharp ax, caused the monarchs of the forest to fall, never to rise. At the request of relatives Squire Schwab held an inquiry which elicited the facts as above given. The deceased was an exemplary young man, single and in the 27th year of his age, He was formerly a resident of Holgate.

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