Obituary: [Cor. Toledo Bee.] A Pioneer Gone. Colton, O., March 2. Mrs. Mary Hartnet, an old resident and pioneer of Washington township, Henry County, died at her home near here this morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Hartnet was born in the year 1807, in the County of Cork, Ireland, and at the time of her death was 78 years of age and over. She andher husband, who has been dead some years, emigrated to this country and located in Washington township in 1838. Mrs. H. lived to see many changes in the way of progression during the many years she was a resident or the township. She was the mother of five children whom she lived to see grow up to majority and occupy useful positions in life, respected and honored. Three children survive her, Cornelius, Daniel (formerly Recorder of Henry county) and Mrs. Layhee, the wife of a thrifty farmer in this vicinity. One son lost his. life in the army, the other, Jerry, who was a conductor on a western railroad, lost his life by an accident several years ago. Mrs. Hartnet was loved and respected by all in the community in which she lived so many years. Her mission here below is fulfilled. She has gone Home to rest where sin and sorrow troubleth not. Funeral from Providence Church to-morrow afternoon. M, |