Obituary: Died. Ellis - At his residence, one and a half miles east of Sandoval, Dec. 31, 1883, Mr. William Ellis, aged 65 years, 11 months and 2 days. Mr. Ellis was born in Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 26, 1818. Came to Ohio where he was married to Delilah Willot of the vicinity of Steubenville, Aug. 17, 1837, with whom he spent more than 46 years in happy union, and who cared tenderly for him in his last sickness, and survives to mourn his loss. He moved from Ohio to Illinois in June, 1865, and in the following year came onto the farm which he occupied till his death. He has been out of health for some 3 years, having received an injury when at the west and for the past month has been failing, yet the news of his death seemed sudden to many though it was expected by him. He died at the last hour of the old year. Besides his widow, he leaves a son and daughter at home esteemed and loved, having the sympathy of and friends and neighbors, and two daughters married, one or whom came from Prescott, Wis., to attend the funeral, and the other telegraphed from Ohio her unavoidable detention. A son died three years since, and a young son was drowned many years ago. His funeral was attended January 4th, at his late home, when an abituary [sic] discourse was preached by Rev. Sargent, of Sandoval, from Ecel. 12, 6 and 7, with reading from the old bible which he had studied, marked and filled with various memoranda. The Masonic Lodge of Odin, of which he had been an honored member for about seventeen years, were present, and gave him burial according to rites of their order. He was buried at Centralia, where also the lodge was represented at the cemetery. A full attendance at the funeral for such a severely cold and blustering day, betokened the respect shown him and the sympathy felt for his bereaved family. |