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Davis, Chas.
Newspaper: Democratic Northwest
Date: 1889-11-21
Page: 8 Col: 4
Miliary Service:

Resolution, of Respect.

Castle Hall. Grelton Lodge, No. 239, K. of P.

Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to take from our midst on October 22, 1889, of typhoid fever, Brother Chas. Davis, therefore, be it

Resolved, That we bow in humble submission to His divine will, believing that He doeth all things well.

Resolved, That in Bro. Chas. Davis' death this Lodge has lost a worthy member, the community a good citizen and his wife a kind husband.

Resolved, That we tender sincere regrets to the bereaved widow and fitly sympathize with her in this, her sad bereavement.

Resolved, That the Charter and hall be draped in mourning for thirty days, and these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this Lodge, and a copy be sent to the widow and be published in a Wauson paper and two or more Henry county papers.

By order of Grelton Lodge.
L. L. Thompson, M. F. Barney, J. W. Walker, Com.

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