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Bost, Bertha
Newspaper: Democratic Northwest
Date: 1891-06-18
Age: 18
Page: 1 Col: 6
Miliary Service:

BOSTBertha Bost, daughter of Shepherd and Jennie Bost died in Harrison township of Consumption, June 14th,1891, aged 18 years, 1 month and 23 days, after many months of Illness and patience, when she silently and peacefully passed away to the realms of the Blessed.

Dear Bertha has gone to dwell with the Angels,
From sorrow and pain she is free,
The sufferings of earth no more she shall know,
For God has bid her come, where pain and death never shall be.

Her sweet voice we no more shall hear
In this vale of darkness and tears,
But in Heaven she with Angels is singing,
In anthems so sweet and dear,
Oh, bow happy must be Bertie.

How sadly we miss dear Bertie,
When we look at her vacant chair,
Oh, how we miss thee Bertie
While thy spirit soars on high,
We are left to mourn for thee, with many a grievous sigh.

H. K. Miller

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