Henry County Genealogical Society Newsletter
Volume 2, Number 1, January-February 1988
P. O. BOX 231
The Henry County Genealogical Society Newsletter is published monthly. The editor reserves the right to accept or reject any material submitted. The Newsletter is copyright protected, but the Society gives permission for material to be copied for personal research and to other chapter newsletters for their use. Any other use of this material should carry written permission from the Henry County Genealogical Society and acknowledge the source.
Meetings will be held monthly or as announced in the newsletter. Publications for sale are listed on our Publications page with the newest ones appearing on the first page.
We print all queries that are related to Henry County – membership is not required. Send queries to Henry Co. Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 231, Deshler, OH 43516 or to the editor as “Query” at wendypen@wcnet.org. After May 2016, queries may be directed to our website and will appear there.
President – Jane Shively
Vice President – Ruth Kieffer
Treasurer/Membership Chair – Lucille Van Scoyoc
Corresponding Secretary – Louise Baden
Secretary – Mary Jo Cunningham
News Reporter – Clara E. Courtney
Newsletter Editor – Joanne Kitchen
January 1, 1988, Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Meet at Edwin Wood Library, Deshler, Ohio. The topic will be “Methods of research I have used,” by the members. There will also be a short workshop.
February 15, 1988, Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Meet at Edwin Wood Library. Program undecided.
March 21, 1988, Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Meet at Edwin Wood Library, Deshler. Delbert Graatz will speak on German research. If you are planning to attend the meeting, please send a list of your German ancestors and their place or origin to Ruth Kieffer, McClure, OH, and she will forward them to Mr. Graatz.
April 18, 1988, Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Program undecided.
A Word About Meetings
All meetings are held the third Monday of the month, unless otherwise stated.
Editor’s Notes
This issue contains the surnames being researched by our members. The numbers in the surname index will correspond with the number that each member has been given.
Have you paid your 1988 dues yet?
If you have, your membership card is being included with this newsletter. If you haven’t, a red X will be on your address label. We will accept your renewal until March 1, 1988. At that time your name will be taken off the membership list. You can use the renewal form that was in your last newsletter.
New Members
David Stoner – Galion, OH 44833
Sylvia G. Titgemeyer – St. Louis, Missouri 63116
Mr. Robert E. Strock – Dalton, OH 44618
Linda Leiter Spahr – Findlay, OH 45840
A_ Abbott 0041 Adams 0019 Adkins 0053 0020 Agnes 0041 Agnew 0014 Albertson 0016 Alexander 0019 Allen 0055 0057 0001 Altman 0025 0019 Amdall 0055 0020 Anderson 0041 Arbs 0005 Arians 0038 Arnevik 0020 Arps 0005 Arter 0007 0041 0027 Ash 0025 Asplin 0012 Atkins 0015 Aultman 0019 0055 Auseon 0019 Averbeck 0055 0023B_ Bacome 0010 Baden 0009 Badenho(o)p(e) 0016 0005 Baer 0023 0041 0009 Baldwin 0014 0019 Balmer 0055 0019 Bargman 0055 0007 Barnes 0023 0015 Barnheiser 0019 Barlage 0055 0045 Barringer 0048 Barth 0043 Barton 0043 Bassett 0001 Bastianse 0038 Baymiller 0019 0055 Beard 0019 Beatty 0027 Beaver 0025 Beaverson 0003 Beckett 0019 0055 Berry 0010 Belden 0020 Benien 0009 0023 Bensen 0005 Benson 0025 Bentz 0038 Bercau(w) 0045 Berry 0010 0012 Bidgood 0025 Bieber 0038 Bigelow 0033 0042 Billingsley 0048 Billman 0038 Binderman 0041 Bintz 0001 Bish 0019 0055 Bishop 0012 Bittikofer 0003 Blackford 0025 Blackshaw 0025 Blair 0025 Blue 0019 0055 Blyton 0020 Bochinger 0027 Bockelmann 0005 Bockman(n) 0023 Boesling 0045 Bogart 0003 Bogue 0015 Bolenbaugh 0019 0055 Boltz 0019 0055 Bonnet 0041 Boone 0025 Botjer 0014 Boulton 0025 Bowen 0056 Bowring 0041 Boyer 0043 Boyles 0016 Box _ 0020 Bradley 0019 Bradshaw 0010 Brake 0038 Brause 0003 Brayer 0003 Brecheist 0001 Breight 0003 Brecht 0003 Bremer 0005 Bretz 0041 0010 Brethschneider 0027 Brick 0003 Brink 0008 Brobst 0038 Brooke 0025 Brown 0013 0014 0015 0019 Browning 0048 Brubach(k) 0001 Bru(e)ck 0003 Bruner 0041 Bruns 0023 Brush 0041 Buchanan 0012 Bucher 0009 Budd 0055 Buhler 0053 Bunger 0005 Bunke 0045 Buntz 0045 Burkey 0033 Burkhard(t) 0042 0045 Burkpile 0033 Burnap 0042 0019 Burns 0055 0019 Bushong 0055 0019 Burr 0055 0057 Burt 0014 Butler 0053 Butt 0038 Buttles 0010C_ Cabe 0012 Caldwell 0003 Campbell 0048 0048 Canning 0020 Carlile 0025 Carpenter 0003 0010 Carr 0019 0055 Carver 0019 0055 Cassell 0025 Cattell 0025 Cawse 0025 Chamberlain 0025 Chartall 0019 0055 Churchman 0015 Cla(y)baugh 0019 0055 Clarke 0048 Clemens 0056 Clendenning 0014 Clits 0019 Cocker 0025 Cody 0057 Coffee 0015 Coldren 0008 Coleman 0029 Colwell 0003 Conkey 0019 0055 Cook 0019 0055 Coontz 0025 Cope 0056 Copeland 0038 Cordes 0009 0016 0041 Corson 0041 Courtright 0038 Cousens 0037 Cozens 0037 Craig 0003 Cramer 0056 Craven 0014 Crawford 0019 0027 0038 0041 0055 Creager 0010 Crider 0056 Croninger 0047 Crossley 0041 Crouse 0019 0038 0055 Crow 0014 Crusher 0025 Cunningham 0015 Curr 0038 Curry 0003 D_ E_ F_ G_ H_ I_ J_ K_ |
Kissell 0019 Kistner 0010 0023 Kitchen 0019 Kitterer 0009 Klein 0001 Klicker 0003 Klingensmith 0041 Klingshirn 0045 Klink 0003 Klits(z) 0019 Knapp 0003 Knauff 0003 Kniss 0057 Kockert 0001 Konig 0027 Kortrecht 0038 Koster 0005 Krabill 0003 Kraegel 0019 Kraft 0033 0042 Krauss 0019 0055 Kregels 0005 Kring 0019 0055 Kritzer 0010 Krum 0019 0055 Kruse 0045 Kuesel 0007 Kuhl 0010 Kuhlman 0005 0060 Kuntz 0019 0038 0055L_ Lacont 0019 0055 LaForge 0021 Lambert 0016 Lammers 0045 Lange 0023 0041 Lantow 0014 Larcom 0019 0055 Lasley 0014 Lathrok 0061 Lau 0001 Laufer 0003 Laver 0052 Lazenby 0008 Leader 0053 Lear 0019 0055 Leasure 0048 Lee 0037 Leifer 0003 Leininger 0009 Leist 0025 Leitner 0052 Lemmons 0019 0055 Leonhart 0043 Lewis 0003 Light 0019 Lightner 0027 Lillie 0014 Lilly 0039 Linden 0019 0055 Lindhorst 0005 Linton 0025 Lisk 0014 Lockhart 0021 Logan 0001 Lohse 0060 Loman 0041 Long 0021 Lovelace 0041 Lowery 0056 Lowmaster 0048 Love 0038 Ludemann 0007 Lulfs 0014 Lünsmann 0005M_ MaClay 0014 Maeker 0027 Mahlmann 0005 Mahnke 0009 Malott 0041 Mangels 0023 Marhofer 0001 Mariet 0041 Martin 0027 Mason 0057 May 0052 Mayer 0038 McBride 0013 McClish 0019 McConnel 0013 McCormick 0041 McCoy 0025 McFellin 0041 McIntosh 0020 McKeller 0056 McKenzie 0021 McMichaels 0019 McMuller 0010 McNeal 0025 McTigue 0038 McQuistian 0012 Mechling 0042 0033 Meer 0025 Meienburg 0007 Meier 0005 Mellieges 0015 Mellies 0015 Mello(e)tt(e) 0016 Mellout 0019 0055 Mendenhall 0015 Mercer 0020 Merlet 0016 Mess(a)more 0019 0055 Meyer 0005 0007 0028 Meyers 0001 Michaelis 0041 Middle 0019 0055 Miller 0008 0016 0019 0027 Minard 0019 Miner 0020 Minicus 0001 Mnu 038 Mohler 0018 0057 Mohr 0052 Mo(u)ll 0008 Mollencoff 0010 Monday 0019 Montavon 0038 Monthaven 0038 Moomy(ea) 0019 0055 Moore 0015 0019 0052 Morey 0027 Morris 0025 Morrison 0025 0038 Moses 0027 Mound(t)joy 0014 Moudy 0056 Mueller 0009 0023 Muller 0038 Munger 0041 Murdock 0052 Mutzig 0003 Myers 0001 N_ O_ P_ Q_ R_ S_ T_ U_ V_ W_ Y Z_ |
Membership List
0001 Mrs. Phyllis LaRue, Deshler, OH 43516
0002 Mr. Henry Eggers, Napoleon, OH 43545
0003 Richard and Joyce Cowell, Deshler, OH 43516
0004 Mrs. Florence Conine, Deshler, OH 43516
0005 Mrs. Lucille Sunderman, Hamler, OH 43524
0006 Mike and Carolyn Hiser, Leipsic, OH 45856
0007 Mrs. Tina Rodriguez, Clovis, CA 93612
0008 Mrs. Clara E. Courtney, Deshler, OH 43516
0009 Mrs. Louise Baden, Hamler, OH 43524
0010 Glen and Ruth Kieffer , McClure, OH 43534
0011 Mrs. Evelyn Erven, McClure, OH 43534
0012 Mrs. Jane Shivery, McClure, OH 43534
0013 Robert and Lucille VanScoyoc, Deshler, OH 43516
0014 Harold & Connie Petersen, Deshler, OH 43516
0015 Ron & Mary Jo Cunningham, Deshler, OH 43516
0016 Mrs. Karen Sunderman, Deshler, OH 43516
0017 Mrs. Loretta Mann, Delta, OH 43515
0018 Mrs. Jana Broglin, Swanton, OH 43558
0019 Mrs. Joanne Kitchen, Deshler, OH 43516
0020 Mr. Earl J. Fauver , Elyria, OH 44305
0021 David & Pat Stoner, Galion, OH 44833
0022 Mrs. Marvel Haley, Deshler, OH 43516
0023 Miss Kathy Schwiehert, Hamler, OH 43524
0024 Mary Anne Scheckelhoff, Findlay, OH 45840
0025 Mr. Elwood Jones, Grelton, OH 43523
0026 Mr. George VanScoyoc, West Lafayette, IN 47906
0027 Mr. Robert Barnes, Fenton, Mich 48430
0028 Mrs. Arlene Castor, West Jefferson, OH 43162
0029 Mr. Tom Neel, New London, OH 44851
0030 Mrs. Diana Meyer, Ottawa, OH 45875
0031 Mrs. Shirley Lulfs, Swanton, OH 43558
0032 Mrs. Francis Franz, Deshler, OH 43516
0033 Miss Lynette Franz, Hamler, OH 43524
0034 Miss Mary Kitchen , Deshler, OH 43516
0035 Mr. Billy Latta, Napoleon, OH 43545
0036 Robert E. Williamson, Morocco, IN 47963
0037 Gertude Norcoss, Fort Myers, FI 33907
0038 Louis Monthaven, Burbank, CA 91505
0039 Mrs. Janet Fair, Shepherd, MI 48883
0040 Vivian Dick, Lakewood, OH 44107
0041 Mrs. Eileen Earl, Toledo, OH 43517
0042 Mrs. Marian Scharf, Deshler, OH 435R6
0043 Mr. Michael Wahl, Wallingford, PA 19086
0044 Mr. James Jones , McClure, OH 43534
0045 Paul & Ramona Burkhart, N ew Bavaria, OH 43548
0046 Mrs. Lisa Cousino, Grand Rapids, OH 43522
0047 Mrs. Jacqueline Sautter, Grelton, OH 43523
0048 Mrs. LaVonne Hipsher, Fostoria, OH 44830
0049 Mrs. Maxine Page, Hollywood, FL 33021
0050 Mr. Clifford Mawer, Deshler, OH 43510
0051 Ruth A. Fritzenrider, Defiance, OH 43512
0052 Norma L. Eaton, Port Clinton, OH 43452
0053 Mr. David Buhler , Marion, CH 43302
0054 Mrs. Marson French, Hutchinson, KA 67502
0055 Mrs. Laura Seeline, Southfield, MI 48076
0056 Mr. Alton Switzer, Toledo, Oh 45613
0057 Marjorie Cody Dunn, Claremore, OK 74017
0058 Mary Jane Adams , Arlington, TX 76012
0059 Mrs. Joseph Healey, Cortland, NY 13045
0060 Sylvia G. Titgemeyer, St. Louis, Missouri 63116
0061 Robert E. Strock, Dalton, OH 44618
0062 Linda Leiter Spahr , Findlay, OH 45840