1830 Census

Each township name is linked to an Adobe Acrobat file that gives the complete census information for that township. If you find an ancestor among the names listed below, you can go to the PDF file for the township in which he appears.

Damascus Township 1830 Census

Charles Gunn; David Bucklin; John Patrick; Samuel Bowers; Samuel Vance; Carver Gunn; Dexter Gunn; Osman Gunn; Christopher Cooper; Washington Plummer; Harry Scribner; Jacob Delong; Catharine Delong; Peter Keith; Jacob Brown; John Delong; William L. Ballinger

Richland Township 1830 Census

Pierce Evans; John Hively; George Tittle; Isaac Braucher; Benjamin Graves; Thomas Brown; James Richardson; Eli Markly; Silvester Carvin; William Rhon; Samuel Kepler; Elijah Gunn; Cyrus Hunter; William Bowin; John Butler; John Brandon; Lavina Merrythen; Jacob Tittle; Jacob Davidson; William Shastien; Edmond Shafteen; Edward Hughes; Michael Hively; William Durham; Peter Tittle
