John Hartwell Zook, son of the late John and Delora Wheeler Zook, born September 25, 1893, in Harrison Township, Napoleon, Ohio, passed away on March 11, 1935, at his home in Detroit, leaving his wife Sylvia, a daughter Mildred and a son Jack. Brothers, A. O. Zook, Bellefontaine, O.; C. W. Zook, Eldorado, Kan.; E. J. Zook, Cleveland, O.; H. B. Zook, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; and C. E. Zook, Napoleon, and sisters, Mrs. M. A. Taylor, Mrs. George Hill, of Napoleon, O.; Mrs. W. E. Croninger, McClure, O.; Mrs. John Burke, Hamler, O.; and a host of relatives, friends and neighbors to mourn his death.
Funeral services were held at the home in Detroit, and at sharon M. E. Church in Napoleon. Interment in Young’s cemetery in Liberty Center, Ohio, Rev. Jones of Napoleon, officiated, assisted by Rev. Piper of Liberty Center.