William Weirich, son of John and Hannah Weirich, was born near Colton, Ohio, Dec, 15, 1857, and departed this life at Toledo, Ohio, January 3rd, 1916, aged 59 years and 18 days. He was married Dec. 24, 1890 to Miss Louisa Elsworth and to this union was born one daughter, Minnie B., of Liberty Center. He was the eighth child of a family of fourteen chidren and the first to break the circle of ten children who lived to grow to manhood and womanhood. Deceased was always ready to help the needy and distressed and in his last hours said he was just waiting for the brighter day.
He leaves to mourn a wife, one daughter, five brothers. Franklin and Daniel, of Liberty Center, George and Edward, of Colton. O.; and Albert of Delta. Four sisters, Mrs. Allen Mohler, Mrs Emma Woodward, Mrs. D. C. Murdock, of Liberty Center, and Mrs. Jacob Hiser, of Delta, O., and many other relatives and friends.
The funeral service was held at the Liberty Center Methodist Episcopal Cjurch at 2 p. m., Jan. 5, 1916, the Rev. J. C. Crider officiating. interment was made in Young’s cemetery.