Wilbur Augustus Weakley, only son of Marion M. and Amanda Weakley, was born in Liberty Township, Henry County, Ohio, February 1, 1871, and died at Kissimmee, Florida, December 20, 1914 aged 43 years 10 months and 19 days.
He was married to Miss Cora E. Graffice at Findlay ,Ohio, December 13, 1897. To this union were born two sons and three daughters. One son passed to the better world in infancy.
Deceased was one of Liberty’s most highly respected young businessmen. His honesty and unselfishness won him the confidence of both patrons and competitors. His business methods and his life as a citizen were straightforward and manly. He was for about 18 years of partner with his father in the hardware business, from which he retired on account of failing health. The mutual friendship and devotion of father and son was a matter of general admiration.
Above everything else he was [text missing] prayer that he might get well. He hoped that by a change of climate his prayer might be answered. That they might be a help to him in his pursuit of health his father and mother accompanied him to Florida and were given considerable hope for his improvement.
The deceased wrote some beautiful letters to his wife and children in which he expressed his delight in the beauty and fragrance of the flowers in the flowery state.
Unexpectedly Sunday morning, a copious hemorrhage overcame his strength and he sank in his father’s arms and passed quietly to his rest.
His last letter home was written Saturday and receiveed after his death.
He bore his afflictions with much fortitude.
Deceased was a member of Tioga Lodge of the Knights of Pythias. He was a quiet, loyal citizen, a most excellent neighbor, a dutiful son, a faithful husband, and loving father.
He is survived by his wife, one son, three daughters, father and mother, two sisters and many relatives and friends to mourn his early death.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist Episcopal Church Saturday, December 26 at 2 p.m., Rev. J. C. Crider officiating. Interment in Young’s Cemetery.