James Sheffield, son of William and Sophia Sheffield, was born at Grand Rapids, Ohio, October 5, 1877 and departed this life May 24, 1921 at his home at 1102 Nevada St., Toledo, O., aged 43 years, 7 months, 19 days. He was united in marriage with Pearl C. Sheffield of Grand Rapids the 24th day of March, 1897. To this union were born five children, who are still living, Jeanette, Ted, James, Howard, all of Toledo. He was a kind, loving and affectionate husband and father. Was a member of the Masonic Lodge of Grand Rapids, Ohio for many years. About six months ago he accepted Christ as his Savior, also the truths, held by the Seventh Day Adventist people.
His experience grew brighter as death grew nearer. We lay him away to rest until the morning of the first resurrection at which time we hope to see him in immortal bloom.
He leaves to mourn, a mother, father, wife, one daughter, four sons, one grandson, one sister and many other relatives and a host of friends.