Winifred Elizabeth Saul, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saul, was born December 14, 1918, and departed this life, October 14, 1933, aged 14 years and 10 months.
April 27, 1924 she was baptized by the Rev. Theodore L. Luft of the Lutheran church of Florida, Ohio. For some time she has been a member of the young women’s Sunday school class of the M. E. church and has always manifested a very fine Christian spirit, being held in very high regard by the members of her class.
She was a member of the sophomore class of the Liberty Center high school. However, ill health kept her from attending this semester. It was hoped that she would soon be able to join her class and enjoy the friendships of her associates. However, it was not to be, for Saturday the summons came and she was asked to join that other class where friendships are never broken and where sickness never comes.
The memory of those who shall follow her are her Father, a stepmother, 5 brothers, 4 sisters, one grandfather, one grandmother and many near relatives and friends.