Originally interred in mausoleum which has been torn down.
Saturday evening Ralph J. Baldwin received a telegram from a doctor at West Palm Beach, Florida, stating that Samuel Rigal had been seriously injured in an auto accident and had been taken to a hospital in that city. The next telegram came Sunday morning, announcing the death of Mr. Rigal Saturday night or Sunday morning.
Mr. Rigal left here last fall to spend the winter in Florida and arriving there he had located at Miami. From best available information at this time. It seems that he was having another man drive his car, probably on a sightseeing tour. The driver apparently lost control of the car at a curve near West Palm Beach, and the car overturned. Whether or not the driver was injured is not known. Evidently Mr. Rigal did not regain consciousness, but he had letters from the Liberty State Savings bank on his person, thus his name and the address of the bank was obtained.
Mr. Rigal was about 78 years of age and had been a resident of Liberty township and Liberty Center all his life. His relatives here are a sister-in-law, Mrs. Laura Rigal, nephew, R. D. Rigal, and niece, Mrs. Betty Vasher.
The body is expected to arrive here either today, Thursday, or Friday.