Mrs. Laur [sic] May Martz, widow of the late Rev. David E. Martz, passed to her reward early Monday morning, Oct. 12, 1953, at the age of 82 years. She was the daughter of Fredrick and Adeline Brown, and was born Feb. 1, 1871 in Edinburg, Wayne county, O.
On June 24, 1914, she was married to Rev. David E. Martz and with him served in congregations in Ohio and Indiana. They retired in Liberty Center, O., where Rev. Martz had twice served as pastor of St. John’s Evangelical Reformed church. Here Rev. Martz died on the 12th of July, 1928.
Mrs. Martz continued to live in Liberty Center until illness forced her 15 months ago to go to a convalescent home in Napoleon.
Funeral services were held in the Walter funeral home on Wednesday, Oct. 14, and were in charge of Rev. O. Stockmeier of Holgate. He was assisted by Rev. David Eichar and Rev. Edward Beard. Interment was made in Young’s cemetery, Liberty Center.
Harold S. Eley of Toledo is the closest relative surviving Mrs. Martz.