Edward E., second son of Noah and Louisa Hoffman, was born in Liberty township, Henry county, Ohio, June 10, 1854, and passed out of this life February 10, 1936, aged 81 years and 8 months.
He was united in marriage to Miss Lulu Ryder, September 28, 1892. Together they walked life’s pathway for over 43 years. Two daughters came to bless their home. Sophia Josephine lived but 7 months, Evedene remains with her mother.
Brother Hoffman was dedicated to God and baptized when a very small child. He was thoroughly converted during a revival at Liberty Chapel, under the ministry of Rev. Mr. Gilbert, a number of years ago.
You who knew him better than I can speak of his many good qualities for his life was known to you. The writer found him a kind and interesting man. His reminiscences of the days spent in railroad construction for the Chicago Northwestern in Iowa were especially interesting because they told of towns with which I was very familiar.
There are left to mourn his going the companion and helpmate, his daughter, Evedene E., three sisters, Mrs. Mary Carpenter, Mrs. Hattie Rogers, Vina Hoffman and other relatives and friends.
Services were conducted from his late residence Friday afternoon by Rev. W. A. Piper. The remains were placed in the Mausoleum.