Reuben Elmer Hoffman, son of Andrew and Charity Hoffman, was born June 24, 1869, departed from this life at the home of his son Clarence, February 21, 1932, age 62 years, 7 months and 28 days. He was united In marriage to Margaret Leitner September 30, 1884, and to this union were born nine children. One son died in infancy. He leaves to mourn three daughters, Ethel, Pearl and Delores and five sons, Clarence, Harry, Arnold, Jay and Vernie, eight grandchildren, one brother Stanton and four sisters, Mrs. George Graner, Mrs. Ivan Taber, Mrs. Roy Hardy, and Mrs. Paul Bernicke and a host of other relatives and friends. Reuben was a devoted Christian and a faithful member of the Christian Union church while health permitted. He was a kind and loving father and will be sadly missed in the circle of his many friends.