George Harsch, a former resident of this place, died at the home of his brother, in Toledo, where he went to make his home about two years ago.
Deceased was born in New York City, July 5, 1853, and was therefore in his 75th year. He came to Ohio with his parents in 1865 and was a resident of Liberty Center for more than 50 years.
Mr. Harsch had entire charge of his aged parents until their death, after which he continued to live in the old home property at the corner of Mary Ann and Mill streets. About two years ago he health became such that he went to make his home with his brother in the city.
Surviving relatives are: his brother, Charles Harsch, six nieces and three nephews.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist Episcopal church in Liberty Center, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Williams officiating, and interment was made in Young’s Cemetery.