Oldest Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gruber Passes Away in Chicago Hospital
A telegram received by the relatives here Saturday evening brought the sad news of the death of Thornton E. Gruber, which occurred at Paliconic Hospital in Chicago Saturday morning, after an illness of only four days, the immediate cause of death being abcess of the brain.
Upon receipt of the telegram the dead man’s brothers, Sidney, of this place, Clint, of Toledo and Guy of Mattoon, Ill., left at once for Chicago and brought the body home, arriving here Monday evening. The funeral services were held at the Reformed church on Wednesday at 2 o’clock, attended by a large number of sorrowing relatives and friends, Rev. M. Gray officiating. Interment in Young’s cemetery.
Thornton Gruber was born in Texas, Ohio, July 18, 1867, and at the time of his death was aged 45 years, 4 months and 28 days. He grew to manhood in this locality and about twenty years ago left the home nest to make his own way in the world. He was a metal lather by trade and had worked at various times in New Orleans, Dallas, St. Louis and other cities. About live years ago be went to Chicago where he has since resided.
He was a member of the Meta Lather’s Union, members of which cared for him during his brief illness and prepared the body for the sad homecoming and paid all expenses including transportation to Toledo. During his illness he had the very best medical attendance that could be found in the city.
He leaves to mourn his demise a father and mother, four brothers and numerous relatives and friends. His sudden taking off is a sad blow to the parents and brothers, doubly sad because it is the first death in the family. They have the sympathy of the entire community.