Pearl E. Thorne was born on July 30, 1880, and died July 4, 1943, at the age of sixty-two years, eleven months and four days.
On Aug. 17, 1910, she was married to Clinton A. Gruber. In youth, she was baptized by a Presbyterian minister, and since residing in Liberty Center had been active in the Methodist church.
Mrs. Gruber was a member of the Women’s Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church, the Pythian Sisters, and the Rebekahs. Her active life won for her many friends who will sadly miss her.
Surviving are three daughters, one son, and two step-sons; her aged mother, six grandchildren, and a host of other relatives.
Card of Thanks
Our sincere thanks to the many friends, neighbors, W.S.C.S., and any others who helped in our bereavement. Especially to Rev. McCandlish and Rev. Zank for their comforting words. C. A. Gruber and family.