Joseph Thomas Graffice was born near Logan, Hocking County, Ohio, December 29, 1835, and died at the home of his daughter, in Liberty Center, Ohio, January 10, 1919, aged 83 years and 12 days.
When he was 11 years old his father died leaving a family of small children. Thomas was given to a family in an adjoining county, until he should become of age. The next year, 1846, he moved with his foster parents to Henry county, so that he had seen this township change from a forest to the beautiful country that it now is.
On February 14, 1868, he was married to Susan M. Leist, who also had come, when a young girl, to live in this new land. Seven children were born to this union, three of whom preceded the parents to heaven. The wife and mother died May 10, 1912.
Father Graffice was converted when a young man, remained true to his faith through his long life and died with a blessed hope of immortality and eternal life.
Since the death of his wife, which broke up his earthly home, he has so often wished that he might be with her at rest, and only a few minutes before he expired he expressed to his daughter his willingness to go. Servant of God, well done; Thy glorious warfare's past; The battle fought, the victory Won; And thou art crowned at last.
Funeral services were held at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cora Weakley, Monday, Rev. C. D. DeGroat officiating. Interment in Young’s cemetery.