Agnes Beryl Gilson was born August 6, 1887 in Union township [sic], Henry county, Ohio, and passed out of this life Nov. 2, 1934, having tarried here 47 years 2 months and 26 days.
On November 17, 1907, she was united in marriage to Mr. G. L. Gilson. To this union were born three sons: Selwyn, Delmar and Leo.
Mrs. Gilson united with the Liberty Chapel United Brethren Church a number of years ago.
Her neighbors and friends knew her life better than any words of the writer could possibly describe it.
She leaves to mourn their loss the husband, the three sons, her mother, two sisters, Mrs. Hazel Segrist, Liberty Center and Mrs. Aletha Segrist, Delta, one brother, P. L. Leist, Hudson, Ohio, and many relatives and friends.
Services were held from her late home Monday afternoon, November 5, Rev. W. A. Piper, pastor of the Methodist, church, officiating. Interment was made in Young’s cemetery.