Otis Hiram Gilmore was born near Elyria, O., May 27, 1837 and departed this life at his home in Liberty Center, O., Oct. 22, 1915, aged 78 years, 4 months and 27 days.
He was married to Miss Lucinda Wilson Nov. 2, 1861, who departed this life Nov. 13, 1893.
He was married again to Miss Mary Hudson April 21, 1895.
He was a resident of Henry Co. for 53 years and moved from his farm to Liberty Center about three years ago.
He was the son of a Methodist minister and was converted at the age of 17 years and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church in Avon township, Lorain Co., O. His parents’ names were Rev. Oti and Filinda Gilmore.
Brother Gilmore was thoroughly versed in the doctrines of the church and believed in and lived in harmony with them. He was a consistent Christian and a devout Methodist and delighted in the fellowship of his brethren. He loved the house of God and the means of grace. Ha was a strong advocate of Eternal Life an believed that the Christian does not die but enters a state of continued happiness when relieved from the burdens of the flesh.