Obituary #1, Deshler Flag, April 16, 1909:
Word reached our little city Sunday morning from Phoenix, Arizona, announcing that Howard G. Young had died on Saturday evening, which news cast a pall of gloom over the entire community. Mr. Young had been in the western states for the past few months for his health but his efforts in that respect were of no avail and he passed away, far from home, among strangers with the exception of an adopted son who had been with him during his trip through the west.
We are safe in saying that no man in Deshler was better known and had more friends than Howard Young. For years he has been in the employ of the B. & O. railroad company, starting as a bill clerk in the Deshler office he worked himself up to the position of agent, being located at Auburn, Indiana, as agent for a number of years, and from there he was sent to take charge of the Deshler office, and was liked and known as one of the best men on the the entire Chicago division of the B. & O.
Mr. Young was one of those men whom it is a pleasure to meet, always kind and courteous to those whom he came in contact with, for truly, it can be said that Howard Young wore a white mantle of a blameless life, and his taking off in the prime of life is a sad blow to his sorrowing family and his multitude of friends.
Howard G. Young was born in Logan county, Ohio, November 7, 1865, and died in Phoenix, Arizona, April 10, 1909, aged 48 years, 5 months and 3 days. He leaves a wife and two children, and an adopted son to mourn their loss.
The body of Mr. Young will arrive in Deshler Friday evening accompanied by his brother, L. D., and the funeral services will be held from the Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Reverends Denison and Lytle officiating. Sycamore Lodge, F. & A. M., of which he was a member, will have charge of the funeral and interment will be had at Woodlawn cemetery.
Obituary #2, Deshler Flag, April 16, 1909:
The funeral of Howard G. Young was held at the Presbyterian church last Sunday afternoon by Revs. Lytle and Denison, the former reading a biography of the deceased, and Rev. Denison delivering the discourse, and the members of the Sycamore Lodge, F. and A. M., of which he was a member, taking part in their beautiful ceremony.
It was the largest funeral ever held in this community, attended by a large concourse of Masons of his home lodge and surrounding towns, railroad men, neighbors and friends; there being fully two hundred people turned away from the church unable even to secure standing room -- conclusive of the esteem in which our departed friend was held in the community.
Howard G. Young was born in Logan county, Ohio, Nov. 7th, 1865, and died in Phoenix, Arizona, at 12:20 a. m., April 11th, 1909, aged 43 years, 5 months and 4 days. He was united in marriage with Clara A. Sherman Dec. 25th, 1892, and to this union were born three sons and two daughters, one son and one daughter having preceded him in death, leaving a bereaved wife, three children, a foster son, an aged mother, three brothers, one sister and many others to mourn this sad departure.
He united with the Deshler Presbyterian church March 31st, 1907, in which he lived a faithful member until death.
Mr. Young had been in poor health for more than a year past, being afflicted with that dread disease, consumption, and last November he was compelled to retire from his position as B. & O. agent in this place. As stated in these columns last week he concluded to seek a change of climate and together with his foster son, Benny, aged about 17 years, he went to Texas. Finding no immediate relief there, they went on to Phoenix, Arizona, where they camped out near the city limits. At times flattering reports would come from there as to his condition, which gave his family and friends buoyant hope, only to be shattered in a few days with reverse conditions. Thus it was hope and despair for many days and weeks, until the dreaded announcement finally came that all was over.
Mental telepathy seems to have played an important part in this sad affair. On Wednesday preceding the death, Mr. L. D. Young, a brother of the deceased who is B. & O. agent at McCools, Ind., had forebodings that all was not well and he started at once to his brother's side. He was hardly on his long journey until a message was received at McCools, sent at Howard's request, for L. D. to come at once if possible. A message was immediately sent back that Mr. Young was already on the way and would reach Phoenix early Monday morning.
We can readily imagine how that message cheered the poor man, so near death's door, and how he battled to delay the death messenger until he could have one more fond look into the face of his brother and have him at his side when the final hour should come. But, alas! the death angel was swifter in its flight than the iron horse, bearing an anxious brother, and it soared away with the spirit of our beloved friend at 12:20 o'clock Sunday morning.
Mr. Young arrived in Phoenix about 2 o'clock Monday morning. It is not necessary to state that Mr. Young was completely taken by surprise when he stepped off the train to find Benny there to meet him, and after explanations had been made as to the knowledge of his coming, Mr. Young asked, 'How is Howard.'
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