Death of Mrs. J. D Flick.
The many friends of Mrs. J. D. Flick were pained to learn of her death, which occurred four miles southeast of Deshler, Thursday afternoon, 13th Inst., at 4:15 o’clock.
Mrs. Flick had been ailing several months past, which terminated in typhoid fever, and while her death did not come unexpected it cast a gloom over her many friends, especially in the community where she lived.
Caroline Cramer was born in Hancock county, O., January 17th, 1847, and died at her late home at Oak Dale, December 13th, 1900, aged 53 years, 10 months and 20 days. She was married to John D. Flick, March 28th, 1868, and this union was blest with four children.
With her husband she moved to Oak Dale, her late home, April 7th, 1874, and united with the Church of Christ of the Christian Union, in February, 1878, in a union meeting held at Oak Dale by Revs. J. C. Roberts and L. Sharp, and in whole fellowship she remained until death.
A few days preceding her departure she talked to Rev. G. W. Foltz with a hopeful outlook for the future, and that her troubles would soon be over.
She leaves a husband and four children, three grandchildren, mother, two sisters, one brother and many friends to mourn their loss.
The funeral services were held at Oak Dale church, December 15th, attended by a large congregatlon of relatives, friends and neighbors, conducted by Rev. T. R. Leonard, of McComb, and the remains Interred in the McComb cemetery.
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to out many kind friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our beloved wife and mother.J. D. Flick and Family
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