Mrs. S. A. Brown Found Dead in Her Bed Saturday Morning
This community was very much shocked last Saturday morning when the report became substantiated that Mrs. S. A. Brown had been found dead in her bed at her home in this place. The particulars of the sad affair, as related to us by Mr. Brown, are about as follows: He tells us that he got up that morning, made the fires and put on the teakettle and coffee pot as usual. and when the room was warm he stepped to the bedroom door and called her. Getting no response he went to the bed and shook her. Still getting no response, he rolled her over, and the minute he saw her face be knew something was wrong, but as her body was yet warm, he never suspected that be was In the presence of death, and he rushed over to a neighbor's telling them that something was wrong with his wife - that he could not awaken her. In a few seconds the house was full of neighbors, who did all in their power to revive her by rubbing and applying restoratives, but when the doctor arrived he Informed them that it was all over - that she wad dead.
Mr. Brown also informs us that his wife apparently seemed to be in the best of health and that she seemed to be in the very best of spirits Friday afternoon and evening. He heard her making no struggle during the night, and the doctor's report that life was departed came to him as an awful shock.
Clara G. Simmons was born in Franklln county, Ohio, August 20th, 1852, and died December 12th, 1903, aged 51 years, 3 months and 23 days. The deceased was married to S. A. Brown at Custar September 3, 1874, and to this union five children were born, the oldest of whom died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have been residents of Deshler ever since their marriage.
Mrs. Brown joined the Disciple church when a mere girl, and when the Methodist church was started here she changed her membership to this society and proved a faithful member to the hour of her death. She was also a charter member in the order of Eastern Star and Ladies' Auxiliary, and the resolution as adopted by the two organizations, and which will be found In another part of this paper, shows the high esteem In which she was held by her co-workers.
The funeral was held at the M. E. church Monday afternoon, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Gressley, and the order to which she belonged. The remains were laid to rest In Woodlawn cemetery, there to await the resurrection morn.
Mr. Brown and family desire us to return their profound thanks to the large number of friends who rendered such kindly offices in these dark hours of gloom, and to assure them that their many ‘acts of kindness will never be forgotten,
Friends from out of town who attended the funeral were David Hickey and daughter, of Newark, Mrs. Cora Reynolds, of Findlay; Peter PauIf and wife, of Weston; and her sister, from near Custar.
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